1-2 classes a week
Trial Class Policy
However, you have the flexibility to cancel at any time and we will gladly refund the remaining classes for the term.
- Refunds will not be issued if there are fewer than 3 weeks left in the term.
Badges & Certificates week
Your child must attend a minimum of four classes to receive a Badge & Certificate at the end of the term.
(This only applies to termly booked classes).
Missed Classes
To arrange this, simply fill out the form below.
Recommended training
Skill Requirements
Straight jump onto Mat
Squat on
Forward roll to Straddle stand
Backward roll down Incline
Forwards Walking on High beam
Forward roll on Wide beam
Recommended training
1-2 classes a week
Skill Requirements
Dive roll onto Mat
Kick to Handstand Flatback
Squat through or Straddle over
Handstand Forward roll
Backward roll on Floor
1-Handed Cartwheel
Round off
Handstand bridge
Bridge stand up
Bridge Kick-over
Backwards Walking on High beam
Forward roll on Floor beam
Recommended training
2-3 classes a week
Skill Requirements
Handstand Flatback onto Mat
Handspring off Vault
Backward roll to Front support
Forward Walkover
Backward Walkover
Handspring over the Rockin’Gym
Forward roll on High beam
Handstand on Floor beam
We recommend additional training as it allows children more time to fine-tune their gymnastics skills and achieve greater precision in their performance.
Our goal with these classes is to prepare them for competitions and training only once a week makes this challenging as it doesn’t provide enough time to both improve and adequately prepare for competition.
As skills become more advanced and complex, it becomes harder to master them with such infrequent, focused practice.
Motivation and enthusiasm tend to increase with more frequent training.
Reduced from £38!
Reduced from £57!
Reduced from £76!
Additional Classes
In these classes, your child will be assessed monthly to monitor their progress and ensure they are placed in the appropriate class.
Our assessments are aligned with the requirements for advancing to our “Advanced” class.
If your child is currently in our “Intermediate” class and performs below a certain standard during the assessment, they will also be evaluated against the criteria for remaining in the “Intermediate” class. This helps us determine whether the class may be too challenging, potentially causing regression instead of progress.
We occasionally observe that while some children are physically ready for the “Intermediate” class, they may face mental challenges,
which can reduce the class’s overall benefit for them.
As of recent, we have updated the skill requirements for each group and revised our class content accordingly.
The overall difficulty and the skills we focus on in each class have been adjusted and increased in complexity.